You can obtain a personal loan that is repayable through payroll deduction. We provide fast loans with great terms where almost everyone qualifies!
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Looking for financial help?
You can apply for a loan to receive the assistance you need.
Installment Loans
Get a cast, low cost personal loan with our installment loan program. You can borrow up to $6,000 repayable in 6 to 36 months.
Short Term Loans
Receive quick cash. Our employee loans are tailored to your needs. Low cost loans quickly. Plus, almost everyone qualifies!
Payday Loan Alternatives
Have an unexpected expense? Get a low cost fast personal loan instead of a high cost payday loan. Almost everyone qualifies for our loans.
Emergency Loans
Our emergency loan is a lifesaver! Get a one-time loan of up to $500 for a maximum one-time origination fee of only $30, repayable over 5 months.
Quick & Simple Personal Loans With Great Rates
With us, you can get a personal loan that is repayable through employer payroll deduction. We provide fast loans with great rates, and almost everyone qualifies!
Taylor-Made Just
For You
Customizable lending
plans to match your
unique requirements.
Reliable and Affordable Credit
Superior alternative to
payday lending and
other loan providers.
Savings Galore
Save more on your loan
with low interest rates.
Extra Benefits
Financial education +
enhanced credit history
for all borrowers.
Easy Repayment
Simple payroll deduction
process enabled by
advanced technology.
Fast and Easy
Loans offered as a
benefit, aiding in quick
loan application.
Quick & Simple Personal Loans With Great Rates
With us, you can get a personal loan that is repayable through employer payroll deduction. We provide fast loans with great rates, and almost everyone qualifies!
Quick & Simple Personal Loans With Great Rates
With us, you can get a personal loan that is repayable through employer payroll deduction. We provide fast loans with great rates, and almost everyone qualifies!
Quick & Simple Personal Loans With Great Rates
With us, you can get a personal loan that is repayable through employer payroll deduction. We provide fast loans with great rates, and almost everyone qualifies!
Quick & Simple Personal Loans With Great Rates
With us, you can get a personal loan that is repayable through employer payroll deduction. We provide fast loans with great rates, and almost everyone qualifies!
- A $2,600 Installment loan booked on 5/25/2019 with a payroll deduction agreement and a six month tenure will have monthly installments of $461.90 (covering Principal and Interest) until the maturity date of 11/30/2019 with a corresponding APR of 21.02%. The total finance charge paid over the life of such a loan will be USD $171.42.
- A $500 Emergency loan of $500 at 22.55% APR, you will make 11 bi-weekly payments over 5 months of $48.18. Your actual payment will vary based on the payment frequency and term of your loan offer.
- Payroll deduction is not a condition for approving the loan.
Loans are made by Cross River Bank, a New Jersey Chartered Commercial Bank, member FDIC. Offer subject to credit approval by Cross River Bank.
Cross River Bank is an Equal Housing Lender
WorkPlaceCredit® is the registered trademark of In-House Capital, LLC.